The Night Cafe seems to have become a permanent fixture in Cagayan de Oro City and merchants ad hawkers as no longer content to show their wares on Friday and Saturday as the designated dates; but they seem to have them at the Divisoria on other days as well. This has come to be accepted by the people of Cagayan de Oro as well who seem to appreciate the fiesta atmosphere of wares being displayed on the streets.
I used to think that the Night Cafe was a big nuisance and that it served very little purpose at all. I could be wrong and the fact that more and more sellers and buyers come to meet on weekends to conduct commerce seems to suggest that this is something that benefits many people. Certainly Cagayan de Oro City has changed in more ways than one. Like or not, the Night Cafe seems to indicate an ever-increasing presence in the lives of the folks of Cagayan de Oro City. C'est la vie.